We are often bombarded with the following issues when reading newspaper nowadays.
- Failed Banks and Insurers
- Panicked markets
- Stock market Crashed
- Rising unemployment.
- Lost more than 50% investment Value
- Retrenchment
- Depression
The word "Depression" became so terrifying that most economists have stopped using it to describe a Business Slump.
Do you Ever Blamed or Complaint WHY all these things Happen?
If YES then listen to what T.Harv Eker got to say:
“You can be a victim or you can be rich, but you can’t be both. Listen up! Every time, and I mean every time, you blame, justify, or complain, you are slitting your financial throat”
“Rich people do not back away from problems, do not avoid problems, and do not complain about problems. Rich people are financial warriors.”- T. Harv Eker Quotes from Secrets of the Millionaire Mind
To succeed in Investing, Business or Life, I come to realize that we must continually take Remedial Actions, be Self-Motivated, Not to Blame or Complaint and get out of our Cocoon of Comfort Zone.
Past —–> Present ——->Future
If You are Not happy what happen at the Present then Get Out of Comfort Zone and do different things NOW. There is a high chances for increasing your level of success when you expand beyond your comfort zone!
You’ll never know what you can do unless you push yourself. Get out of your comfort zone-tiptoe slowly if necessary, jump like your life depended on it if possible.

The comfort zone basically allows a person to create and operate mental boundaries that are unreal. These boundaries then give that person a false sense of security.
The main reason people don’t leave their Comfort Zone is because they have to deal with New, Challenging and Different Behaviors and Experiences that could be risky.
What you need to know is that risks are rewarded, generally by great success.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"-Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein can speak Bahasa Malaysia then he will bluntly say
“Awak ni Gila……..”
The journey to break the Comfort Zone may not be easy. Expect Challenges, Failures and Setbacks!
Even some of the most well-known successful people have setbacks in their lives. But what turned these famous failures into amazing success was their determination to not be deterred, to never ever give up.
Hence, each time I face with disappointing event or challenges, I NEVER FORGET these famous failures:
Source: http://www.alantanblog.com/
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